

Lithium Titanate Supporting Tests Pass CMA Certification

[Release time:2019/08/23 Read:190}]

Recently, the subsidiary of the company's shareholders, Inter-China Testing&Technology Co., Ltd., obtained CMA extension certification for the supporting tests of the company's lithium titanate project. This extension covers the physical and chemical properties as well as electrochemical characteristics of lithium-ion battery negative electrode materials (mainly lithium titanate), including 8 parameters and involving 17 testing standards. To ensure the high-level testing capabilities of the company's project, Inter-China initiated the extension of the lithium titanate testing project last year and soon obtained CNAS certification. This recent CMA certification further establishes the authority of the certification project testing.


Inter-China Testing&Technology Co., Ltd. is a third-party testing institution with dual certifications from CNAS and CMA, and it holds industry authority in the field of titanium dioxide application testing. In recent years, as the testing scope and standards of CMA and CNAS continue to expand, Inter-China Testing&Technology has further expanded its leading advantage as an industry benchmark. Currently, Inter-China Testing&Technology has obtained CMA certification for 91 testing parameters and 153 testing standards.


The main testing projects of Inter-China Testing&Technology for lithium-ion battery negative electrode materials have passed CNAS and CMA certifications. This achievement contributes to the comprehensive quality control of the entire process of Gang Feng New Materials' lithium titanate product project and provides assurance for the construction of the company's high-level standard laboratory. In the future, Inter-China Testing&Technology will continue to expand its testing capabilities in the field of lithium-ion batteries, striving to provide more comprehensive support services for the global market expansion and downstream customer applications after the production and listing of Gang Feng New Materials' lithium titanate products.
